Gospel City Church

IMPORTANT: GCC will be meeting at Oasis International School on Sept 18th due to electrical upgrading work happening at Eco City. Click here for more details.

Equipping People to Live Gospel-Centered Lives

August 28, 2022

Andy Dawson, one of our covenant partners at GCC preached a sermon titled “Equipping People to Live Gospel-Centered Lives”. It was really helpful to be reminded that as Christians, we cannot live our lives apart from God’s Word. It is the Bible and biblical teaching that equips from beginning to end to live gospel-centered lives. To quote from the sermon, “The Bible is not just the doorway through which we enter the Christian life but also the house we reside in”.

So who is equipping and how are we equipped? We learned how through teaching and teachers — public teaching in sermons, small groups, mentoring, discipleship, personal relationships, and more, we are all called to steward what we have received and let the gospel permeate every aspect of our lives. With each moment, we are growing more and more in Christlikeness. It was pretty timely then that today we just announced our new series of our Equip Groups that we will journey through as a church together!

Finally, we were also reminded to always set our eyes on the goal of all our this equipping. If not to grow as Christians, and to exhort and build up one another, it is also to fulfill the Great Commission. In a world where millions have yet to know the hope of the gospel, let us remember the task that we have been given here on earth — to do the work of making disciples, teaching the nations to observe all that Jesus has commanded, and be a people and a church leading a life worthy of our calling. All this, in order that God may be glorified by a multitude of people calling him Lord!👑

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