Gospel City Church

IMPORTANT: GCC will be meeting at Oasis International School on Sept 18th due to electrical upgrading work happening at Eco City. Click here for more details.

God Desires Heartfelt Worship

November 13, 2022

Kyle Essary, one of our covenant partners at GCC preached through Malachi 1:1-2:9. We learned about how God rebuked the Israelites for their false worship, and how they continued to question God’s love for them despite His steadfast commitment to them all along. God rejected Israel’s heartless offerings, because they defiled what ought to be holy, and came from a heart that did not desire to honour Him. In addition, the Israelites behaved as such because they treasured and loved the things of the world, instead of the Lord.

However, we are no different from the Israelites. We too, have questioned God’s love and forsaken Him. Yet despite the unfaithfulness, betrayal, rebellion, and deceit of our hearts, it is God who remains faithful. So what good news it is that God’s love and hate is not the same as our fickle emotions or romantic notions! Instead, God’s love is His absolute commitment to elect and preserve His people for His purposes, so that He may be glorified among the nations.

He does this despite who we are, and certainly not because of what we do. We are neither holier, righteous, nor powerful. It is God who saves us by the blood of Jesus Christ, showing us undeserved mercy and grace, and who commits to bringing justice and judgement against wickedness. It is our God who loves, and transforms us every day of our lives, so we may learn to value Him above everything else and live life in true worship of the King!