Gospel City Church

IMPORTANT: GCC will be meeting at Oasis International School on Sept 18th due to electrical upgrading work happening at Eco City. Click here for more details.

New Resolutions Old Anxieties

December 29, 2024

As we enter a new year, many of us still carry the same old anxieties. In Matthew 6:19-35, God invites us to examine our lives: What treasure are we chasing? Who are we serving? And where is our trust anchored? This morning, Jason, one of our covenant partners, shared insights from this passage.

What treasures drive us? Is it money? Comfort? Approval? Earthly treasures only hold power because we give them weight. But Jesus offers something far greater—eternal treasure in Him. To honor others in Christ, to suffer for His name, and to serve Him faithfully—these are treasures that will outlast this world.

Who do we serve? Ourselves or God? If God feels distant, it’s time to reset. It’s time to let go of fleeting pursuits and fix our priorities on what truly matters: the eternal hope we have in Christ.

And why can we trust Him? Because He knows our needs and cares for us deeply. Anxiety grips us when we pin our hopes on things we can’t control. But true freedom is found in trusting Jesus—the One who suffered for us, rose in victory, and holds all authority.

One day, we’ll stand before Him, and none of us will say, “I wish I had sacrificed less for You.” Let’s fix our eyes on Jesus, our greatest treasure, and live not for the fleeting years on this earth but for the eternal joy found in Him. This year, leave behind the anxieties that weigh us down and pursue Him with everything we have. He is worth it all.

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