Gospel City Church

IMPORTANT: GCC will be meeting at Oasis International School on Sept 18th due to electrical upgrading work happening at Eco City. Click here for more details.


Video Description

The God Who Covenants

The God Who Covenants

Massimo Gei, our elder preached from Genesis 15:1-21 about the God who covenants. When we doubt, remember our personal experiences with God and how He has been faithful. Remember that it doesn’t depend on us. Jesus has fulfilled the covenant for us. Therefore, believe. Believe in the promises of God and everything changes.

The God Who Blesses

The God Who Blesses

Nick Gonyea preached from Genesis 13:1 – 14:24. The passage teaches us that God’s promises always come true for His glory, despite of politics, people or disasters that are obstacles to His plan. To the measure we trust the gospel message, to the measure we won’t take matters into our own hands but trust in …

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The God Who Calls

The God Who Calls

Massimo Gei, one of our elders, preached on the first sermon in the new sermon series, “Abraham’s flaws and God’s grace”. Today’s passage is from Genesis 12:1-21, teaching about the God who calls. The promise of the call is a blessing, the demand of the call is faith, the purpose of the call is mission …

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Living a Gospel Centered 2021

Living a Gospel Centered 2021

Manhon, one of our elders preached from Colossians 4: 2-18 , reminding us how to live a gospel centered 2021. Our prayers, our walk and the way we relate to community must be centered in Christ.



Andy, a covenant partner at GCC, preached from Hebrews 4:1-13 on the topic of Rest.

The Reason We Sing

The Reason We Sing

Yi Khen, a covenant partner at GCC, shares a short devotional from Luke 2:8-21 on the reason we sing during GCC’s Christmas celebration.



Nick Gonyea preached on Hope, scripture passage taken from Hebrews 6: 13-20. This passage gave us an example of Christian hope, the guarantee of hope and the anchor for our hope. May we cling on the promises of God and trust in the certain hope that lies before us.



Massimo Gei, one of our elder, preached on “Joy”, the 2nd sermon in this Advent series “Because Jesus came”. The passage was from John 16: 12-24. Christian joy is counter cultural: it is eternally robust, is experienced through sober reflection, and made full through royal access. Only in the presence of God that we can …

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ManHon, our elder preached from John 13: 34-35 in a sermon titled Love. Because Jesus came, let us be people of love, by the power of the Spirit so that all glory goes to Him. We asked ourselves: How have we previously failed to see the true nature of Christian love? How have we failed …

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Treasure Hunting

Treasure Hunting

Massimo Gei, our elder preached from Genesis 29: 16- 30:1 in a sermon entitled: Treasure Hunting. He walked us through how to identify our idols, and why God is our greatest treasure. He is because He treasured and pursued us. Our greatest treasure treasures us.No other treasures on this earth will truly satisfy or last.