Gospel City Church

IMPORTANT: GCC will be meeting at Oasis International School on Sept 18th due to electrical upgrading work happening at Eco City. Click here for more details.


Video Description

Sin and Compromise

Sin and Compromise

Paul Ling preached from 1 Samuel 25 in a sermon entitled: Sin and Compromise. For us to reject the counterfeit, we must first treasure the authentic. Nothing is worth trading for the relationship Jesus purchased for us and with us by his blood.

Final Lessons For A Church

Final Lessons For A Church

Kyle Essary, our guest speaker preached the last sermon in this series of 1 Corinthians. The passage was from 1 Corinthians 16:1-24. It is a wonderful ending to be reminded to keep the gospel central in all that we do. Joyful obedience won’t come from external pressure. Instead, joyful obedience comes from the freeing knowledge …

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The Death Of Death

The Death Of Death

Nick Gonyea preached from 1 Corinthians 15: 50-58, reminding us of the wonderful hope we have in Jesus. Jesus brought the imperishable into our perishable world. He came from heaven, where life lasts forever, and became a part of our world, where life does not last forever. He did this to share our lives in …

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The Resurrection Body

The Resurrection Body

Massimo Gei, our elder preached on 1 Corinthians 15: 35-49. It’s so reassuring to know that we will be raise up when Jesus comes, with restored bodies on the new heavens on earth. This truth gives us focus and stewardship while we live in this broken world now, with hope for a restored world to …

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The Power Of The Ressurection

The Power Of The Ressurection

Nick Gonyea preached from 1 Corinthians 15: 12-34, on the consequences if there is no resurrection, the implications of the resurrection and the practical applications into our lives. The resurrection gives us hope in this life to persevere on despite of suffering and hard times, because we know one day this earth will be restored.

The Gospel

The Gospel

Note: This is a recording GCC’s entire 3rd anniversary service. Massimo Gei, one of our elders preached from 1 Corinthians 15:1-11. When we know Jesus personally, who took our place on the cross on our behalf, rose again overcoming sin and death, and we repent and believe , stand in the gospel truths as the …

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Ground Rules For Corporate Worship

Ground Rules For Corporate Worship

Nick Gonyea preached from 1 Corinthians 14:26-40 on ground rules for corporate worship. Look to Jesus as we seek to edify each other, practice order and self control, and adhere to the authority of scripture in our corporate worship.