Gospel City Church

IMPORTANT: GCC will be meeting at Oasis International School on Sept 18th due to electrical upgrading work happening at Eco City. Click here for more details.


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Living in Light of the Finish Line

We are reaching the “finish line” of Hebrews! It has been a richly encouraging series which has prompted us to think about the vastness of God’s promises and what that means for our individual faith and for our life as a church.

Run the Race

This morning, Kyle, our elder, preached from Hebrews 12:1-2. We were reminded and exhorted to remove obstacles and sins in our lives – anything that distract us from running full speed. Some of us love the obstacles. Some of us think we need the obstacles. Some of us think that our obstacles will help others. …

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The Produce of Faith

This Sunday as we worship together and Andy takes us through Hebrews 11:32-40, we continue to delve into the big topic of “Faith”. Andy encouraged us toward faith which produces a deep trust in God and our perfection through Christ.

Flawed; Faithful

This week we looked at some characters in the Old Testament who were openly flawed, and yet commended for their faith in the book of Hebrews. Yi Khen reminded us that flawed people are fearful people; yet it is not about how confident or fearless these people were, it is that they placed their faith …

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A Better Homeland

We may travel across the world and have adventures in the most exciting places, but at the end of the day we long to go home. As Christians, we are journeying to a permanent home in heaven with our Lord Jesus. We continued in the theme of Faith in Hebrews 11:8–16, considering the Better Homeland …

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Living 2024 Faithfully

Hello 2024! We are all entering the year with different emotions and expectations, but the Bible’s teaching on faith can speak to us all. Hebrews 11:1 says “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” Oh how all of us understand struggling with our faith when we are …

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A Better Possession

Happy new year from GCC! We said goodbye to 2023 as a church family. No better way to do so than by reflecting on the better possession we have in Jesus’ promises, abiding even as the years pass (Hebrews 11:26–39).

Gathering with Expectation

We celebrated Christmas together last Sunday, and what a joyous celebration it was! We comtinued the service with lunch and a fun time of games. Kyle talked about how some family gatherings are difficult for many of us because of some form of shame we carry or expectation towards us. But the wonderful news of …

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Is God Forgetful?

When the priests of the Old Testament offered sacrifices of bulls and goats for the sins of the people, it had to be repeated over and over again. After Christ came to this earth and shed his blood for the sins of the world, no other sacrifice has to be made for sin ever again. …

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