Gospel City Church

IMPORTANT: GCC will be meeting at Oasis International School on Sept 18th due to electrical upgrading work happening at Eco City. Click here for more details.

The Depth of Sin, The Height of Grace

July 28, 2024

We were back together this Sunday to take a closer look at Romans 2:1-11 with our elder, Man Hon.

In the passage, Paul rebuked those who judge others while they themselves are still sinners. We were reminded that only God is the one true judge for His judgement is always accurate and just, while human judgement is flawed with sin and biasness.

While we are all subject to God’s wrath for our sins, Christ has already borne the judgement for us. Therefore, by faith, we are freed from judgement despite our sins, not by our own means, but through Christ.

As we look at the lives around us this week, whether in person, virtually, or even on social media, let us not be quick to pass judgement and think we are better or more righteous than they are. Instead, let us humbly pray for others and reach out to those who have yet to embrace this gift of grace.

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