Gospel City Church

IMPORTANT: GCC will be meeting at Oasis International School on Sept 18th due to electrical upgrading work happening at Eco City. Click here for more details.

Giving From The Heart

October 9, 2022

Andy Dawson, one of our Elders at GCC preached on Matthew 6:1-4 in a sermon titled “Giving From The Heart”. It was an important warning about practicing righteousness without the right heart. In a world where we often chase after the ideal public persona, paste an innocent-looking “bible+coffee” or “mission trip” picture or two, we must ask ourselves why we do this. Would we even continue to do these things if God were our only witness?

Although our good deeds may look the same, the very important difference is that of the intentions of our hearts, whether we seek glory for ourselves, or God. Indeed, do we seek the praise of man or the approval of God? In discussion groups, we reflected on the many ways we tend to seek praise from others through acts of righteousness. Though our hearts crave the praise and honor of others, Jesus calls us to give out of a heart that loves and adores Him. But we cannot do this on our own.

We must remember Christ, who demonstrated radical humility and sacrifice on our behalf. Christ emptied and humbled himself for the sake of others. Christ gave up His life for the sake of undeserved sinners, and provided the ultimate gift for the needy. Thus, the only way we can honor His call is to have a heart that is captured by the affections of Jesus. Only with Jesus as our all in all, will we give with joy from the heart.

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