Gospel City Church

IMPORTANT: GCC will be meeting at Oasis International School on Sept 18th due to electrical upgrading work happening at Eco City. Click here for more details.

Sabbath – Enjoying and Entering Through the Work of Christ

July 23, 2023

Andy continued our sermon series of “A Conquest for Rest”. Looking at passages in the Old Testament, we saw again and again that the Sabbath was not a practice to restrict and limit the life of the Israelites, but as a testament of God’s provision. In the same way for us today, it is a gracious reminder of the provision and power of God. Lest we forget or take for granted, we also see that entering the Sabbath requires some form of obedience and belief. The generation of Israelites who immediately forgot and questioned God’s provision of the manna were barred from entering the rest of God and the Promised Land. Do we trust the security and salvation that we have in Jesus? To strive to enter the Sabbath rest is simple – put your faith and trust in the work Christ has done for you.


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