Gospel City Church

IMPORTANT: GCC will be meeting at Oasis International School on Sept 18th due to electrical upgrading work happening at Eco City. Click here for more details.

The Final Word

August 6, 2023

The first 4 verses that open the the book of Hebrews set the stage for our new study – The Supremacy of Jesus and Our Eager Expectation. Nick took us through these 4 verses that showed us why Jesus, the Son, is the perfect divine messenger and why we should trust his message. The reason this is important is because the veracity of a message is dependent somewhat on the trustworthiness of the messenger. In summary, Jesus is the one that has the complete message because he knows the totality of the plan. Therefore, whatever he says is definitive. It is God’s total and complete final word to His people. As fallen beings, there are times we may feel that other messages are superior to God’s divine message. One thing that may help us trust the superiority of Jesus’ message is not because he’s just the perfect messenger; it’s because he is the perfect message. He didn’t just tell us what the Father was like, he showed us, because he is the exact image representation of God. May we always choose to trust the truth of the message of Jesus – who brings the final word of God – instead of our feelings.

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